Route along the Camí de cavalls to the cave des Pardals with our Menorcan picnic.

30 minutes

Cala'n Bosch

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Enjoy the best Menorcan meals and a pleasant excursion along a section of the Camí de Cavalls.

If you are a client of Lago Resort Menorca, a wonderful Menorcan picnic is available on Camí de Cavalls, from the beach of Cala to Bosch, it will take you about 30 minutes to walk to access it. At the end of the path, just next to the white house located on the penya, there are steps sculpted from the rock that descend perpendicularly to the cave. The cave will be used antigament by fishermen of the island, also for smuggling of tobacco, coffee and sabó in times of scarcity after the war. It is located in a very special lloc, with spectacular dresses, but, as its name indicates, they inhabit a great name of pardals.


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